Monday, September 29, 2008, 7:40 AM
I was expecting these types of articles since I the day I knew that Cellphones were unhealthy to our bodies.(Article extracted from Yahoo!)
"WASHINGTON (AFP) - - The potential link between mobile telephones and brain cancer could be similar to the link between lung cancer and smoking -- something tobacco companies took 50 years to recognize, according to US scientists' warning.
The committee were shown several European studies, particularly surveys from Scandinavia -- where the cell phone was first developed -- which show that the radiation emitted by cell phones have definite biological consequences."In other words, there are so many precautions we beings have to take to survive in this world. Even cell phones, the thing many of us treasure and are of high importance to us, will destroy us someday.Personally, I did some research about the tumor this article had stated; Salivary Gland Tumor -An uncontrolled growth of cells that originates in the saliva-producing glands in the mouth. Located inside the cheeks, one below each ear, on the floor of the mouth, with one on the inner side of each part of the lower jaw and in the mouth (below the tongue).Cancer risks.We are being warned here.Better take precautions now, learning from the fact that scientists needed 50 years to figure out about the relationship between tobacco and lung cancer.Pity those souls who didn't know about the harms of tobacco.But we are people of the present. Change our future, while we still can. Learn from the past, to not make the same mistakes we did.
Sunday, September 28, 2008, 6:01 AM
To my brother at the next block,Happy Birthday Anson/Patricia(?) Sohma!May all your WISHWISHWISHES & Dreams come true.WITH LOVE, Heidi. Y
Saturday, September 27, 2008, 6:05 AM
Shameera Angullia$BlogItemTitle$>

& before i forget,
Happy 15th Birthday Sham!
May all your wild "Jailanee+Ja'afar+Hose" wishes & Lubricated dreams
come true. :D
Thank God you're not a DIVA like my brother is. ;)
Labels: Photo from: a7xschoolie
Friday, September 26, 2008, 6:35 AM
EL PAPER 1: OWNED.MT PAPER 1: OMG.First of all, starting off school wet was simply amazing!After fighting the waves and the fountains of rainwater spewing all around near school, I recieved a 911 from Fiefe. OH NO.He was stuck somewhere, just like a cat afraid of water.I had to do the right thing; risk getting late for school & exam to save my dear bestfriend.Anson & I then made another journey towards where Fiefe was, still trying to save ourselves from the raging, muddy waters.So we dragged our drenched boddies to school, laughing all the way.It seemed that we've enjoyed what God had given us. :)EOYs: EL PAPER,MT PAPER. Thought of morphing Jaws with SpiderMan- SpiderJaws. :)SO,after school, the usual.Fiefe & I chilled again in class.This time, i was still high on history, plus Fiefe's arsenal of Britney songs.AWESOME.PS: Internet connection after school-hours in school, A TOTAL LET DOWN.Lets all get working, then we can all make it.Believe, have Faith.Especially for those who are getting the flu & fever during the exam period, Get Well Fast.Take Care.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 9:32 AM
Relax, Take It Easy$BlogItemTitle$>

I know that nowdays, almost everyone is stressed.
This is a short post, because we are meant to enjoy the view up here.
Well, I hope that this picture will help.
For me, it helps me A LOT. :)
ENJOY, & have a happy day ahead. :D
Labels: Photo from: a7xschoolie
, 1:27 AM
Yes, it's true apparently.Jaws is back, meaning that the Malay Project which was due 3 weeks ago is supposed to be handed in.BY TOMORROW.Basically, I have not completed the assignment.So has the rest of the MT class.So that means, I'M SO DEAD.It gives me appproximately 14 hours more to finish up the project, consdering sleep deprevation, so on and so forth.Yes, I've gotten myself into deep shyde.ALRIGHTY.
Project-making time.Lets just pray that the whole class survives this, you know, as a class.Plus, Jaws better remembers about Fiefe's, Dee's & my Oral tomorrow.OR ELSE, he's going to be wishing he hadn't came back from that operation he just had. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008, 8:08 AM
Yellow: Chelsea 1, MANU 7.
DISAPPOINTING. That's the word.
, 7:04 AM
Sunday, 21st Sept 1.08am.$BlogItemTitle$>


Yes, she has the right to brag about her straightend hair.
Stay tuned, the Fun's just getting started. :D
, 6:18 AM
Just A Little Randy For Me & You.$BlogItemTitle$>
Back, Baby.What a weekend, seriously.Sleepovers with the cousins had always been the same;House Series/Wrestling till midnight, thenWatching horror movies(at least we tried to) through the net, and even have time toChill and enjoy the early morning breeze at about 2.20 am.Drama and Exaggeration are what we're made of. Nothing less.Yeah, that's the life.That's why I need Sham & Irsyad for the MANU VS CHELSEA match today.But its okay, we know who's going to win anyway. :) :(
Fun lasts, at least for the weekend.Then, I'm back to cracking my head open for the new week.
STUDYSTUDYSTUDY. AITE'.Plus, I'm searching for new ways to open portals to find and stretch my untapped potentials. Who knows what we all may achieve in the near, NEAR future.*There is a video response for my friend (Dee)'s Random Reminiscing Vid, and we hope you enjoy it once we've posted it up on youtube. We'll keep you updated on that. :DLabels: Photo from:
Friday, September 19, 2008, 5:26 AM
Why Do These Tears Come At Night?$BlogItemTitle$>
Alright. Today, had been kind of awesome, b'cause of the reasonably SIMPLE History Test Paper, and the rest of the day had been quite relaxed. LIKE FINALLY.I'd like to post this para for my dear sister, Dee. I heard you were down with a fever, and due to this, you couldn't come to school.You couldn't take the History Paper, nor lift weights during P.E.Get well fast, Dee. Love You too much. So Fiefe & I had this after-school-chill-session, which was SWEEEEEET. We listened to each other's playlist (and yes, we did a little Britney here and there) whilst I was studying and Fiefe was being all slobbish. I don't really blame him. He barely take naps.So at about 3, we left school and headed back home in our saperate ways.I was so worn out as soon as I reached home, probably because of the brainpower used the previous night making lyrics to the songs Overprotected & SOS.Staying up all night with Sham will never be the same again. :D& since Sham isn't able to post this, I AM.This is a little something going out to the adorable friends, Fiefe & Sabby.ENJOY. (Tempo: SOS by Jo Bros.)Told you I made dinner plans,Fiefe & Me had held handsTill I saw Sabby comin' around, with extra bottles of empty...Lubrication. :) -Chorus-Ooooh, this is an SOS, don't wanna' give him a chanceThis is the bottom line it's true...My virginity to you, and I forgotten toBring the extra condom pact...It's like my belly is getting fatI think pregnancy's fast,It's something Ja'afar will never let. :DAlright, time to get serious and study now. I feel that there is little time left before the first paper to study, but we still have to put our minds with confidence and hearts into the papers. We can do it. I can do it.EOYs, I'm ready. :
Thursday, September 18, 2008, 2:50 AM
No more Ridin' Me for Free,$BlogItemTitle$>
Today was so tiring. Probably because of the multiple times I've slept really late for the past couple of weeks. I'm draining, Fast.Math test was a killer. Although I studied (NOT REALLY) for practically the whole morning, I found it quite tough. My friends thought it was challenging too.The last few questions ripped my heart right out as the clock striked the One-Hour limit. Times Up. I'm SO Dead.Ms Lai came to us and collected our papers. It was bad enough she surprised us by coming into the class and taking over for the test.Damn Mei Kwan.Stupid Butch.She's so going to get it from the class tomorrow, guaranteed. :)So Fiefe & I chilled outside the General Office after school, Dee left because of some THINGS she needed to do. It involves $300. Do the math.
Eve came along while we were whoring up the school school's Office Entrance.Soon, it was a whore party like never seen before.We chilled for about an hour, then left.Dragged myself back home, my back was killing me.I think I've been putting off my work too much. I really need to study, if I want to get good grades. I know I can do it, I just have to try, and not let distractions get to me.You hear that guys? DISTRACTIONS.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 9:31 AM
Take A Look At Greatness$BlogItemTitle$>

Randy Orton Is Making His Appearances on Raw Again!
Finally JBL can get his trap shut.
Plus, the way he yells at Rhodes & Debiase is the Ultimate Sexy Point.
Staying up in the night, screaming through the phone with Sham about Jericho's taste in suits, slutty Divas, Santino's newly grown Uni-brow and Randy's Sexiness.
Of course,
HHH is on Smackdown now. :(
Let's carry on with the Age of Orton, shall we?
We'd love to see him back on top.
...and then there's Batista.
Labels: Photo from: ShadowFX
, 2:46 AM
I'm supposed to be studying.I'm supposed to get my head in the books.Yet, I'm not.Here I am, busy wasting my life away infront of the HP Screen.With so many things to say, and so many people to blame.Here Goes.I blame myself for being a Procrastinator.I blame myself for not enough lessons of self-control.I blame Jaws for the bad malay lessons.I blame Mei Kwan for making me laugh at her and not paying attention in math lessons.I blame Miss Pek for giving the role of a prostitute to Fiefe instead of me.I blame Fiefe for making the awesomest jokes that distract me.I blame Sham for making me stay up all night long, mocking Britney Spears.I blame Sham again for making me join her in the midst of Hidayat-Jokes.I blame Deena for not scolding or hugging me anymore.But Who Could Blame Me For Loving Them All?All except Jaws of course. Mei Kwan is still loved for the excessive make-up and last minute common tests. :DAlright, now it's really time to study.See Ya, Byotches. :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 7:35 AM
It's All About The Game, And How You Play It.It's All About The Game, And Who's Gonna Make It.
First Post in New Blog.
Yes, really happy because FINALLY the old blog is deleted.
Take that Fiefe, Sham, and all you the other maggots who laughed at the old blog. >D
Alright, nothing much happened today.
Laughed alot, it's a daily thing.
Just got off the phone with a friend (Paris, PRCS)
Talktalktalktalktalk. He felt sleepy after awhile. Call Ended.
Time to end. Ciao.