Mon, Day 1.
"Group 17". As soon as I heard that, I could barely breathe. I looked around, and I didn't know anyone from the group, except for Dinnie(GV NCDCC). I wasnt't close to him either then. I told myself that it was just like other camps, it takes some time for people to warm up to others. And boy, was I wrong this time. Raleigh, my group for the camp, was suddenly talkative and outspoken after the ice-breakers, trust-excercises, belaying, and of course the very addicting tent pitching/dinner time.
The thing was, we got high over dinner. Prolly because of the the burnt solid fuel fumes that had eventually messed up our heads, but we didn't mind. After the first night, it seemed as if most of us had known each other for years. A start of a beautiful friendship.
Tues, Day 2.
We had the really fun game sessions and some casualty rescue(Alex, next time try SAVING the casualty without having consume the kaya bun, okay?) and flying fox with the team "Tenzing". The group had really bonded within the expected time. I bet "CJ", our instructor, was surprised at how fast Raleigh had bonded. Honestly, most of us couldn't even find out the answer of how we had gotten so close. Trust, Motivation; what we needed for the group to carry on in OBS. Chilling in the store, under the tree or even at block 5, the only time when we could stay silent was when CJ was around.
There was actually no other form of communication; no Hps, pagers, PDAs, NOTHING. Just a noisy walkie-talkie CJ carries around all the time and the people who we would be staying with, eating with, laughing with and maybe even crying with for 5 days. After the whole tiring morning and afternoon, we left our main campsite, Camp 2, and headed into the forest to a what seems like a mini-campsite in the evening. We finally pitched our tents in the dark, after stumbling intop puddles of mud and each carrying an equally heavy backpack. In the night, we did our own reflection with some of the dudes in Tenzing, and it was all worth it. An hour filled with scary stories, life stories, and other classified information all being shared. We found ourselves, TIGHT.
Wed, Day 3.
Hiking to what seems to be like No-Man's Land had really pushed us to the limit. We had to trek in the lands of Pulau Ubin, searching for checkpoints and eventually lead us hunting for animals. It took us the whole morning to the afternoon, almost 12 hours in the woods infact. It was pretty okay for me, but the challenge that had fall on us was the heavy backpacks we had to carry around.
It had to weigh at least 20kg. I SWEAR. All our clothes/tentage materials/2x2L water bottles were stuffed into them, and it wasn't a good feeling. Approx. 12 hours of 20kg items on two shoulders? Wasn't the best feeling, and to top it off we were on our own. Given a compass, a map, and a pen. At last, we seemed a little lost and behind schedule, so our instructor led us straight to another campsite, Camp 1 in the evening. Much appreciated; we couldn't have done it without CJ. At the same time, we also bonded more with the people in Tenzing; I'm telling you, they are AWESOME people you'd love to meet. :)
Thurs, Day 4.
SEA EXPEDITION. We started off the morning with some P.T and a good breakfast,(Camp 1 is seriously the Bomb, guys. Even if we didn't get to see the nurse?) and then we had some bonding session/reflection time before we went kayaking. Seriously, I don't think we can get anymore closer to each other. We were all so straight forward and comfortable with ourselves, I felt as if I was blessed to be in that group. For the expedition, we headed off around Pulau Ketam in a triyak; with me infront, Hidayah2 in the middle and Iscac form Tenzing at the back. Forgive us Iscac if we were too slow. And also, let the buns misconception go, let them go. :(
After kayaking and getting some sunburns, we bathed and went to Camp 2, but we pitched our tents and sleptover at the CNC open space. We cleared up the store in the night, and did our best. After a really tiring day, we went to sleep. HECK NO. We had what we called "Confession Time". Everybody's favourite. We spent 2 hours underneath the November sky, and it was one of the most beautiful nights ever. The stars were sparkling at us, and we gazed at shooting stars as they appeared for a split second.
We brought the Confession Time from outside the stores all the way to outside our tents. We confessed and left almost no stones unturned. (Apologies to Firdaus; we were caught by the insructors before we could get into your tent. :( sorry!) And to Iscac as well; he had to wake up the same time as Raleigh did 'cause he slept in our tents, but Tenzing was still asleep. :E
Fri, Day 5.
It seems to fast. Pack up already? It felt as if just yesterday we had came into the OBS Campsite and started getting intoxicated almost every dinner time over curry chicken with toothpaste, unknown underwear appearing and disappearing from nowhere, and bonding time every now and then. But today, cleaning up day. Pack our stuff into our own bags, and return everything that is needed to be returned.By noon, everything was done and we were then given our certificates and printed photos of our designated groups.
Half of Raleigh had our lunches at Compass Point and our last goodbyes from camp there. It was quite hard, after 5 whole days in camp with the most interesting of people, random souls in both Raleigh and Tenzing, finally riding the bus back home alone.
I hope this wouldn't be the last day I'd see them, because if I had a choice, I would re-do this whole week all over again. :D