Saturday, January 31, 2009, 8:55 PM
And Ronny puts Man Utd in the the top stop 5 points clear!With a penalty kick, Ronaldo has it said and done. :)Final Score : MANU 1- 0 Everton
11pm : Chelsea VS. Liverpool*tension*
, 9:06 AM
Today : MANU VS. Everton.Tonight : Chelsea VS. Liverpool.Let me rub this into Jaghpaal's face on Mon. :D
, 8:11 AM
Losing their souls in the material world.$BlogItemTitle$>
Shy ah.
"...then in class, Awaluddin looked at me, and suddenly pushed my head against the wall.
How random is that?"
And hell, it can't get any more random than that. ;]
Went jogging with Ash; to the beach, chit-chat, and back. Some life I'm living. =.O
So I've got homework.
So I missed the first 15 minutes of 'Whose Line'.
So I shaved the sides of my hair.
Doesn't bother me.
But today could be the best day of my life.
'cause it's the 1st of Feb 2009.
I don't know why this could change my life.
Oh yeah.
Thank YOU Din, for the pain you've caused Ashraf in class. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 5:12 AM
Thanks to Sham, Randy Won.$BlogItemTitle$>
Royal Rumble 09' Winner: Randy Orton.Congrats.Honestly, I haven't actually watched the match OR even RAW yet, but I just HAVE to post this on my blog. I'll have to wait quite some time before I can get the CD or even watch it online. Hmm. I guess I'm just a little too excited. :]
I'll be posting again, pretttaye soon.I MEAN IT. :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 5:30 AM
Went out to study with Anson.Fiefe came like 28457394.4 hrs late.(Again, no pictures.)Headed for WS MacD with Sohma and did some homework. Yeah, procrastinated thru the 2-days holiday. What can I say? A slob never changes. :) [kidding] So 2 hours later, Sir I-have-the-most-dangerous-bag-in-the-world-so-fear-me came along. He took out his lappie and we rocked out to Britney and different bands in Mac. Sorry Anson, we had only room for 2 with my earpiece. Fiefe didn't want to blast out the music, afraid that it might annoy others. ('cause that's what we normally do.) ;)ALL 6 FXCKING SALONS IN ELIAS MALL WERE CLOSED. DAMN FLABBIT.I guess I'll just have to pick another date to go to the hair-dresser. :(After studying, doing some Brit/Aussie/Mat accents in WS, playing catch with beauty salons in Elias Mall and making fun of __, __, __*inserts initials*, the three of us headed back home, pretty happy. :DOH MAN. Nigahiga just keeps getting better and better.They are just amazing, I am telling you. :]
Sunday, January 25, 2009, 6:18 AM
FREEZE, L.A.P.D!$BlogItemTitle$>
"Alright, so we're not brothers. After all we've been through...Rush Hour 1, Rush Hour 2."-Chris Tucker, RH3.
Hidayat & I watch Rush Hour 1/2 and Rush Hour 3, all in the same night! (On HBO and Channel 5)
Yeah, I miss them cops. And Su Yang. :)
And now, I don't know what I'm going to do. Rarely happens actually.
Ooh yeah, my daily dose of push-ups and crunches. YUM. :D
Saturday, January 24, 2009, 2:44 AM
NO FAIR.Went out with Anson/Patricia Sohma, and he was lucky to spot a couple of cute guys (HIS TASTE) , a few thanks to me. ;)I wanted to buy some school shoes as my old ones were wearing and tearing and pretty much spoilt. So we headed to the Converse shop @ TM and I got myself a pair. We hung out at Starbucks after getting our mags (WWE for me & Camp Rock for Anson) and slowly and steadily went home. Kinda. We thought of doing it again, but this time with the Drama Clique and were prolly going to take the MRT back and forth from the East to the West! So one day if you spot a group of weird/suspicious/highly-somewhat sluttish looking people in the MRT, don't be fooled by the books and bags, 'cause we might be having a mini-day-camp right there. BEWARE. :DPS: BUS RIDES WITH ANSON ARE AWWWEESOMEE! Too bad we didn't take any pictures today, but personally, I had fun. <3
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 6:36 AM
He Took Those Blows for His Hometown, Chicago.$BlogItemTitle$>
The GTS!The GTS!Punk Wins!Congratulations to CM Punk for bringing home the gold, the Inter-Continental Championship back to his hometown of Chicago! A swell match, seriously speaking. Very proud of this man right here.SXE. DRUG FREE. A Great Champion. :)Labels: Go To Sleep.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 6:58 AM
"If I don't get it right, I will definitely cry sia."$BlogItemTitle$>
Goodbye Sergeant.HELLO S.SGT.-Quoted by NickolasAll I can say right now, due to all this excitement going on, is
Sunday, January 18, 2009, 6:37 AM
You Better Pray.$BlogItemTitle$>

I've started listening to them again.
, 4:32 AM
Terserem-PAK OH PAK.$BlogItemTitle$>
i love these concave mirrors across the street. :] SAT.
Got my first ATM card. Pretty excited. Password came out as ******. I KNOW, WHOOA. So in the evening, caught up with Ash and we went jogging after soooo many weeks. Like finally. We went to the beach, our usual hot-spot, and I was so surprised to meet Pariz there! He was actually on a bike ride with his family, and he stopped by as they took a break, co-incidentally near to where we were. The crazy thing was that he knew Ashraf too! :O So we had a chat after so long since we've seen each other, and sort of planned to meet up again. :)
BORE-FEST. I could not have been any more bored for today. Oh god, I just hope that DRAMA tmrw would at least cheer me up a little. OH FISH, THE SCRIPT. Here we go again.
:E Haiya Z.
Friday, January 16, 2009, 4:57 AM
Ringe. ?$BlogItemTitle$>
SO, I finally had a taste of what a simple Friday afternoon feels like.No trainings, but rehearsals.No uniforms, but school work.Still the same old madness.My class timetable has changed, so has my CCA. I now have trainings on Tuesdays instead of the usual Friday (supposedly for UG CCAs) for goodness-knows reasons. I quite miss it being on Fridays, the trainings seemed more...relaxing? Moreover, they might quite interupt with my after school classes and remedials on Tues, but I'll think of something. ;]Today, I had to attend the CNY Rehearsal after school, together with Eve, Fiefe and Anson. Them boys left one by one, leaving me and Eve to do the finale like a two-woman show. Infact, we didn't even have a show for them just now. Let's just keep them in suspense for a little while. What bothered us alot was the fact that juniors were disrespecting us. No, not our Drama jrs, but some other CCA's jrs. That's just something I simply cannot stand, what more let go of. Dang, they just don't know the stage like we do.F&N Coursework: The Sex.My oh my, if I were to think of this for all my 6 subjects, I'll prolly have contracted AIDs right about now. It lives up to the name; HeidiHoe. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009, 6:09 AM
OH CB.$BlogItemTitle$>
OMGOMGOMG.He puts the S-E-X in SEXY, I swear.'cause milk makes him jump from wall to wall. :)
Friday, January 9, 2009, 6:31 AM
NPCC: Never touch another's rank(s).
Drama: Never face your butt(s) to the audience.
CCA Fair was a success!
Drama did very well onstage, with their last-minute rehearsals and tension-rising backstage moments, but they pulled it off well. Its okay if some aren't appreciative, we know what the Sec 1s are like. The point is that you guys did the show, and were the show. We'll show them in SYF why they'll regret not joining us. ;)
NPCC's performance was swell! You guys did very well, and yep, we definitely silenced the Sec 1s and made them watch with their mouths gaping wide open. Plus, the speech MAYBE had some technical difficulties at first, but Czaraim and I are great at stalling. Plus, the audience seemed captivated, so we weren't too boring, right?
Pheww, after today, this stress seems worth it after all. :D
Thursday, January 8, 2009, 4:53 AM
First comes hyperventilation, then comes the show.$BlogItemTitle$>
CCA Fair. Another night and morning to kill.Then, SHOWTIME.I haven't been so worried for a single school event like this for a very long time.Still, seeing that The Drama Club has found the manpower they needed and that everything has been put into place, I have the upmost faith in them. With their last minute improvisation skills, it's hard to pull them and their morales down. They'll make me proud. They'll have us watching in awe. Begging for more. Making us ALL proud. :)*applaudes*For NPCC, I love at the pace we're going. In just a few hours, you guys have managed to surprise me by picking up new advance rifle drills. I'm very amazed. And just 1 hour to learn about your performance? You guys have made me awestruck, wondering how much more you guys can take. Fast learners, I must admit. Certainly very impressing. :)*salutes*All this stress for the pass few days, might pay off after all. :D
Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 5:21 AM
what a loooooooooooong week.$BlogItemTitle$>
Drama.NPCC.Cubic Graphs.CCA Fair....and now Chem. Remedials every wed? Oh my, so this was what my seniors had to suffer before us. My-oh-my, now I know what they had to go through. Althoooooough, Math seems more fun this year, and I'm actually enjoying getting all focused in class. :)True, it's not even the end of Week 1. God help me. I'm suffering from health problems.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 7:05 AM
Typically Drama.It was much fun with Khairul back around. He had games all the way from Jakarta, and he planted some seeds here. They were awesome; not just fun, but it made use of everyone's expressions which comes in handy for Drama. There were lots of screaming, definitely pushing (first-hand account) and lots of laughter. All getting prepped-up for CCA Fair. Of course for tmrw's audi's, we'd love to have our graduated seniors to come back and judge together with us. Ami has to be present. :]What a week Week 1's been.Labels: Never Cold., We're Always Hot
Saturday, January 3, 2009, 9:08 AM
"When Life Hands Me Lemons, I Make Beef Stew"$BlogItemTitle$>
Midnight Madness with Firdaus(Eden).H : Eh, panggil Wansuey Yeti ah.F : Now you said her name, see! You're lucky now's already 1am+, she's hibernating.H : Yeah, plus, I gave her something extra, the pork ribs!F : Agh! Don't you know she's Pork-and-Tolerant! You're making her wake up early!H : Oh damn! Well, good luck, she's in your house now.F : Good luck to you, YOU said her name. Don't worry, just draw the Anti-Yeti Circle. ;]I guess some things, just never change. :D
Thursday, January 1, 2009, 7:19 AM
ACCOMPLISHED by 1st Jan 09'.$BlogItemTitle$>
Important:+Use Dec holidays to finish up Homework: History/F&N/ENG REP
+Read more English & MALAY books
+Buy school books (23rd/Dec)Oh, Just Do It;
=Go out with ‘Raleigh’ group mates in the holidays (9th/Dec)
=Plan another outing with ‘Raleigh’ group mates
=Drama Outing/BBQ (29th/Dec)
=Get back into Taekwondo with Sir Alan (20th/Dec)
=Finish up ‘Romeo & Juliet’ Script for Drama CIP
=Get the Dec issue of WWE Magazine @ TM/Cheers (1st/Dec)
EXTRAAAS ;* Wilkinson’s right boot & Vietnam’s goalkeeper’s jersey (21st/Dec)Kill Jawahir (???)Haha, I'm kidding. Up till now, I am so livin' my life. :D