Thursday, February 26, 2009, 6:34 AM
Day UNO.$BlogItemTitle$>
"I'll be your personal carwasher for the day." :)
, 5:17 AM
500 kids overdue.$BlogItemTitle$>
"Hello, is this A____? Umm, I want to have ___ with you, we have 500 babies to go."
HAHAHAHA, Drama is the BOMB. But the aftermath is always just as exciting. Especially since we had Jermaine and Sawyer to come over this Wed. It was just too bad that Jon and Eve weren't there; it would've been a pretty rough 'Truth OR Dare' match-up then; it ranged from door-handle-licking to radio-humping, and lap-dancing to really doing it in the mighty box of Ang Jun Wei. ^.^
After 7-ish, we escaped from school, again. This time, it was wet due to the rain, so we climbed out of the broken window (YES, Muhaimin DID leave a mark in GV before he left) and thanks to Jermaine, we made out alive. OKAY LAH, SAFE.
Before the Worst.
Monday, February 23, 2009, 6:52 AM
a fight forever, i won't surrender.$BlogItemTitle$>
I Will Gladly Hunt You Down.
Going to be a frantic week. April's going to be an awesome month, though. 'gonna get wild, i swear. :)Oh, and did I tell you? I like LOVE PAIN. :E
Sunday, February 22, 2009, 7:27 AM
looks like we're on the floor again.$BlogItemTitle$>

Remember this era? HELL YEAH.
Mmmm. I was just thinking...
Still, it was a really great phase in the WWE. :)
, 1:38 AM
Am I Like You (?)$BlogItemTitle$>
fvck your decisions,'s my life now, you've lived yours.i don't want my children to be in this same shit that you've put me through. i'd give them a chance, and unlike you, i won't judge them.
Saturday, February 21, 2009, 7:26 AM
i must take baby steps till i'm full grown.$BlogItemTitle$>
Pace yourself; Slow and Steady wins the race.Hmmm. Serenity Week.Unfortunately, I realised that my ankle got sprained after a spar with my brother. I'm surprised that it hurts, still. Hope I'm a fast healer, there's too much to do this coming week to lag due to injuries.
:D / :( / :] / :C / :P/ :E
Friday, February 20, 2009, 10:07 PM
my sweet mistake.$BlogItemTitle$>
In 3 weeks time, I know I won't be there.To go crazy with you guys.To go bowling with Dee.To guy-hunt with Eve.
...and to go for our last Oversea Trip before our 'O's, marking prolly the best 4 years we've had together.Sorry guys. :(Still, have fun.Just bring your game, and some Drama. :]
, 6:30 AM
you were more awesome that i was.$BlogItemTitle$>

and I love you, still.
Thursday, February 19, 2009, 7:23 AM
Sawyer Fluoride & St(Eve).$BlogItemTitle$>
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 5:23 AM
101st post - 13 Times His Reign!$BlogItemTitle$>
FTW!HHH had the other 5 best Smackdown Superstars BEAT to get his reign of the WWE Title to be the 13th in his career. Even the Elimination Chamber can't keep The Game down, and the King of Kings is now settled comfortably on his throne. THAT'S MA' MAN. :D
This is just one lovely way to end bury the past 100 posts.
Monday, February 16, 2009, 4:50 AM
I've been down the wrong road tonight, and I swear I'll never go there again.$BlogItemTitle$>
"There's something I can't see,There's something different in the way you smileBehind those eyes you lieThere's something I can't see,'cause I'm never gonna change your mindBehind those eyes you hide."I've given up this time.So sorry.Better luck next time, chump. :/but i still believe in Ami & Anson for being there for me. And for those who were around in my time of need, thank you.Labels: -Behind Those Eyes, 3 Doors Down
, 4:28 AM
Hilary Duff is Bisexual. :D$BlogItemTitle$>
sorry for the late wish, Hidhir, butHAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!Poor thing got sick on his own birthdate (Fri, 13th Feb) and is still recovering from the fever. Get well soon love, with love!*million kisses sent from Hilary*
Sunday, February 15, 2009, 2:58 AM
so step up your game.$BlogItemTitle$>
Bitch, Please.HAHAHAHA.fine, you play your games.we'll just see.and to friends, I'm tired of fighting....but I'm not giving in.blablabla.
Saturday, February 14, 2009, 5:53 AM
Today is the 14th of Feb.$BlogItemTitle$>
Something important probably going on today, but I just forgot what. OH YEAH.The talk about yesterday being Friday the 13th. :)A fvcked up week for an awsome weekend. Ironic. My oh my, today was the bomb.0800 - 1445 hrs,Went for my unit's NPCC Mini Amazing-Race. Hahaha, it was barely a race at all, because there were much restrictions and safety precautions. Bare in mind, it won't be the least bit similar for our real Amazing-Race at Sentosa later on this year. Well, except for the safety part. Partly my job too, fair warning. :)Group 1. HAH. I always get the first group, be it camps or outings. Cadets were a 'little' crazy, but it was fun. Mingled around, strained my voice alot more, but it was worth going out and making myself happy today. After a really sucky week, this was something I quite needed.1600 - 1800 hrs,Had my TKD training. OMG, best one yet. I let out some of my anger, and it felt great. Not only that, I'll prolly be attending this 'Taekwondo Exchange Prog/Mini-Competition' activity' during the March Hols in KL, Malaysia. OH MAN. NEWS THAT TOTALLY MADE MY DAY. :DGood Day, Good Day. :)
Friday, February 13, 2009, 4:11 AM
YOU TELL ME.$BlogItemTitle$>
It's been a pretty fvcked-up lately.I don't know why, but this week's been a real b*tch to me.I've been pissed off this whole week. Even during Drama on Wed. Rarely happens. I guess something had triggered me into getting to this far-worse-then-a-usual-PMS stage. The feeling is really demoralizing, and everything seems like a load of bull. This has been by far the WORST week (socially) in my life, srsly. I just feel like giving up in everything, but I know that if I ever do that in a second, my pride is gone altogether.Just let it be.(Btw, made Dee go online from today till Sun. I think she'll make it. HAHA :])
Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 6:27 AM
"I Hear Voices In My Head, They Council Me, They Understand."$BlogItemTitle$>

& you know they've always had tension between them. :)
, 6:08 AM
Locker-Room Leader.$BlogItemTitle$>
OH FVCK.won't rant too much, so, whatev.say anything and EVERYTHING you want,'s foul play, and you're not in my league.i'm bored of them games,...but i'll win the war.So I'll Strut Myself Proudly Out Of Here.
Monday, February 9, 2009, 8:12 AM
baby bonus to the max.$BlogItemTitle$>
LOL,if you have been a fan of Amirah-Sawyer's blog, then you would know what I'm talking about here.Ami Married to K(etamine). = 7 kidsEve Married to Ronny. (boo hoo to other girls out there) = 6 kidsI'm Married to Z(inc Ion). = 500 kids omghumanlyimpossibleHere are the few names we've picked out for our children:Ami -1) Hidayah Ja'afar Bte K2) Stevepreet-Selamat Bte K3) NoraShida-Mama Bte KMine -1) Amirah Bte Z2) Baby Suki Bin Z3) Muhd. Deena Bte Z4) Siti Nurul Anson Bin Z5) Nazrenana Bte Z (when she gets older, Nickname - Nana)OMGOMGOMG. <3 sawyer x 100,000 (with something sharp and sandpaper-ish)
, 7:07 AM
see the light.$BlogItemTitle$>
Devil (Eve) and my Guardian Angel (F).Angel: "No don't have sex, you'll get multiple abortions and STDs."Devil: "Go, go have sex. Make lots and lots of babies. Be happy."So That's how I Live My Life.Fascinating. :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009, 4:03 AM
take MRT home ah.$BlogItemTitle$>
Helped out Na'im with the "Gaza Mercy Relief" together with Fiefe, Sabby, Ash, Irah, Adeline (Sec 3) and Ramdhan.(Again, no pictures.)First of all, had quite a bad weekend. With trainings now being twice a week, it's quite alot to handle. But still, being in the GOH contigent for Commendation Day 09' is worth it. Unfortunately, had a fever on Sat night; it was awful.Today, we went money-collecting for donation to the poor souls in Palestine, as the 8 of us set off to Bedok. We were also promoting Madrasah Perdaus, and the whole thing was for a good cause. From thinking of doing crazy stunts in the streets to almost bursting into tears, we made quite a sum of money for the fund. At the end of the day, the feeling is really... :D. Yeah, definitely had fun as well, these people had made my day. :)Homework Awaits.
Thursday, February 5, 2009, 5:14 AM
your halo.$BlogItemTitle$>

Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 6:16 AM
OH NO YOU DI'INT.$BlogItemTitle$>
Yo.CallBacks;Then we'll show them what we mean by acting.tests tests tests tits.see, drama's in my blood. :)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 4:56 AM
'cause anions beat wavelengths ANYTIME.$BlogItemTitle$>
yeah, it's physics everywhere!
HHH. [Retardation = Physics Fail Like Forever.] says:
PPT beats ECHO anytime, man.
K :} rate of change of velocity says:
without physics, we'd be NOWHERE
HHH. [Retardation = Physics Fail Like Forever.] says:
without chem, you can't eat food properly!
K :} rate of change of velocity says:
haha damn!HHH. [Retardation = Physics Fail Like Forever.] says:
They call me Kzel. says:
They call me Kzel. says:
CHEM CONFUSES EVERYBODY IN THE WORLDHHH. [Retardation = Physics Fail Like Forever.] says:
c'mon man, don't hate em if you ain't em.
I wanna make love right now ~ says:
fine, you win
I wanna make love right now ~ says:
but i still love chem!
I wanna make love right now ~ says:
I wanna make love right now ~ says:
fuck hahahahaOMGOMG SEE? PPT BEATS ECHO ALL THE WAY TO THE TEST TUBES MAN.but i find BIO pretty cool ;)
Monday, February 2, 2009, 6:11 AM
Don't Remind Me.$BlogItemTitle$>
For those who were expecting a Vlog here, SO SORRY.The video WE (Hidhir, Ashraf, Anson, Eve, Firdaus and I) took had been uploaded into the laptop but the bugger won't co-operate. Oh well. I guess that's the end of my Vlog career. :( NOT! Imma' bring the laptop to school tmrw (hopefully Hidayat doesn't find out or he'll rip the HALO out of me) and you Drama fools can definitely come around after school to get the Vlog done together. And the SYF Script too. :)Ooh, tough day. Too much Drama and work about 'Echo' so much so that I think I'm hallucinating. I thought I had Chem homework that was due tmrw, and frantically went berzerk looking for it. Turns out that the homework didn't exist at all. LOSER. :(DRAMA-MANIA. Games and Sec 1s were fun, but this year in Drama, everything comes down to the SYF performance. Auditions are this Wed. Gear up. :]'Delilah', Here I Come. I Hope. ;)