Sunday, August 30, 2009, 2:59 AM
55. 'cause the Youth Olympic Games scares the sh*t out of everybody.$BlogItemTitle$>
everything that happened yesterday is sucha' blur.
even what happened this morning.
wait, there was a morning?
Saturday, August 29, 2009, 7:19 AM
56. KYO ForTheWIN!$BlogItemTitle$>

Pro footballer, MMA Fighter

They just make you want more of martial arts, really.
Human Weapon S2, it's been too long, I'm awaiting you eagerly. :)
'Il est temps pour nous de déposer les armes
La nuit nous appartient
Laisse la nous dire ce qu'on devient
Il est temps pour nous de raviver la flamme
Je n'ai plus que mes larmes
Car la vie perd tout son charme sans toi...'
It is time for us to disarm
We Own the Night
Lets tell us what becomes
It is time for us to rekindle the flame
I have only tears
For life loses its charm without you ...fluorinez.Labels: Kyo - Il Est Temps
Friday, August 28, 2009, 5:16 AM
58. Moderationz.$BlogItemTitle$>
AWH MAN.Received some news regarding the STF Nationals.
It seems that I happened to be the only one who entered the weight-category with nobody else alongside. Meaning that I won't be able/will not be facing/sparring with anyone for the competition.
No fighters = Hidayah wins by forfeit
WTH! :(
honestly, very disappointed with the news.
well, maybe it's
"berkat" during this time of Ramadan,
but I wanted to spar so badly. I've been ever so eager for months now.
maybe on a lighter note, I'd be getting a medal for my "win".
isn't really as much of significance as it supposed to be.
i never thought the outcome would be like this.
maybe i would've won by defeating the other challengers,
but now i'm going to be awarded for not even moving a muscle.
Doesn't feel as good as I thought it would.:/
Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 11:38 PM
66. Welcome To The Crossroads Motherf*ckers.$BlogItemTitle$>
Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 8:32 AM
68. Ignorance is not a defense!$BlogItemTitle$>
went into my mum's bedroom at about 11:26 pm.
she was sleeping through the adverts, and I had came her handphone charger. bent down and fiddled with it for quite some time. after awhile, stealth-like approach fail.
as i got up, my mum's eyes were piercing through me like daggers.
"Why you never tie up your hair? So late at night and you let down your hair like that...*stares* I thought you were something else...*face friggin' priceless* I thought..."
she couldn't differentiate her own daughter from the paranormal.
but i know, i've scared myself that way plenty of times before.
On a lighter note; I like starz and their constellations. <3
fucking interesting man.

HAHAHA HELLO CAPRICORNUS. but you alr passed this year. :(
Monday, August 17, 2009, 8:22 AM
69. How fast life can be compromised.$BlogItemTitle$>
Hell Song. aaaah. :)
Shyde. I just realized that I've got the Os to take in 279461803days. Hah. You wish.
K nil. I ate a wish for breakfast today.
You - House of cards in a hurricane. Hahaha, yet again, your wish is incorrect.
We ran out out wishes for the day.
We - you = me.
Kay, I did. No more stupid dreams.
go back to your corner.
don't leave the light on, please.
Sunday, August 16, 2009, 8:19 AM
71. you might consume me. but I will walk away.$BlogItemTitle$>
training was cancelled today, have yet to know the reason.
felt ef-ed up for almost the whole day.
nyeh. then, was groggy during math class.
finally, GGMU. :)
fckloads of events going underway/
cumming up. ;)
Prelims. DX. BPL. Long Hair. :D
i've come to a conclusion that i, in fact, need more Jazz in my life.
we all do, really.
Saturday, August 15, 2009, 6:04 AM
72. One Man From The Start, One Man Without A Heart.$BlogItemTitle$>
Greenview's NPCC Unit has done well for the competition, no matter what others have to say about it. You guys have made me proud. Luvv. <3
Why our existence?
Everyone NHN, all the time.
it takes time for people to heal.
hahahaha kay you're not ready.
who was I kidding!
Friday, August 14, 2009, 9:30 AM
still 73. of you wasting me away, don't stay.$BlogItemTitle$>
how and why did this happen.
crashed into you like a runaway train.
you say what you want and try to justify.
i feel like swearing sometime now.
ooh yeah.
i guess i blew up in fucking flames huh.
, 4:45 AM
73. th converse crew fuckstuff.$BlogItemTitle$>
had a blast with the gang after sch.
badly wanted to - was supposed to go to the gym with Hazel and a few of my classmates actually, but i knew that dad would disallow - grounded-ness issues. fck.
snap snap. couldn't get it to display on the blog.
chuck it. fcbk.
they were so amazing. (L)
love you! <3
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 5:57 AM
74. too late.$BlogItemTitle$>
Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 9:10 AM
K, sorry for not taking your advice.
but it's working.
kinda. maybe? idk. yet, i can't say idc.
hlysht, mthrfckr. >:(
Monday, August 10, 2009, 7:58 AM
still 76. Feels like fucking insomnia.$BlogItemTitle$>
and my brother's still mad at his PS3.
and I feel so bad for a friend who is undeserving of it.
and I am not insecure anymore but very guilty.
currently surviving on Craig David's hits. Why, oh why.
Yet again, why not.
and I realized that I would want to use high-cuts in a dress for prom.
Sunday, August 9, 2009, 11:13 AM
76. Lets all give the Ref a fking blowjob.$BlogItemTitle$>
I couldn't believe it.
From 1 - 0.
Then 1 -1 to 1 - 2 and heartbreak (fking massive heartbreak), then
to 2 -2 to penalty shootouts.
but it was all fucking real. even those motherfking scoreboards.
Oh man. Heart hurts like mad, I want to get to sleep.
Although, Nani really shone to me. I liked it.
Just as we predicted. Kay, there.
Saturday, August 8, 2009, 11:52 PM
77. Have a great day, Bby Lioness.$BlogItemTitle$>
First of all,
Happy 16th Birthdate Deena Shaqinah Nor Othman!(was meant to be posted 2 days ago, but nyeh, who's really keeping scores)
Hope you had a great birthday on Fri, and can't wait to spend another hectic year with you babe! After all the wishes and class chanting and the finale from me (twice and interrupted), LOVE YOU! <3
Next off, Happy 44th Birthday Singapurrrrra!
My oh-my, what a great country it is.
No matter what others say, you're def. the best country to be in.
Fo' sho'.
I'll be sure to tune in to the telly through the night, becauuuuuse.

(Sun, 10 pm)
Man Utd VS. Chelsea
...for the Community Shield!
- Teves, - CR, and still going on strong.
(L) Manchester United, G.G.M.U ! <3
Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 8:14 AM
82. Love Drunk (Not)$BlogItemTitle$>
Imma' happy girl.
Only thing that's ruining the joy-streak is the disability to do head shots in the competition. :/
that was an understatement.
in the midst of all the envy, I tasted blood.
Saturday, August 1, 2009, 12:39 AM
85. Everyone's crazy about a sharp-dressed man.$BlogItemTitle$>
Yesterday was amazing. It took only approx. 3 hrs in the Oddesey Room to touch me. Thank you for the Passing Out Ceremony, all NCOs and Officers. :)

Sec 2s :)

Jun Hao is the sweetest one ever!

Chairpersons of 2008.

Aww, sweet messages.

George, JJ.

Sweet NCOs having to bid us farewells.

Your current kakaks!

I...don't know. :D

'cause. we like the dustbin what.

I like them. They like molesting me when I change.

jumpshot fail.


laugh out fucking loud.


there there.

You've still got another year to go!

After 3++ years of being in NPCC; from being punished for missing datelines, promoted as a great squad altogether, learning amazing skills and going through ton loads of camps to listening to Haziqah singing in the toilet everytime we change into out Full-Us, getting raped by Alena and Khalisa whilst doing so, Efly being so enthu over almost everything and getting flirty messages by Syed Muhd -
every bad moment isn't forgotten but changes to a great memory.
I'll definitely miss hanging out with my best buddies in NPCC.
I'll miss those campfire songs where I'd be straining my
voice over "I Ask My Love".
I'll miss teaching drills and the Officers teaching me likewise.
I'll miss the enthusiasm of wanting to take parades.
I'll miss making them flagstaffs and the boys always being
faster at it.
I'll miss the punishments we've faced as a squad.
Most of all, I'll miss the GVNP Unit of 2008/09.