Sunday, December 27, 2009, 9:57 AM
Goodness Gracious Me.$BlogItemTitle$>

too. much. indian humour. <3
Saturday, December 26, 2009, 8:23 AM
the power to make evil take it's course.$BlogItemTitle$>
living on 23% worth of anal
I have issues. (and mum's watching Titanic now, say whuut?!?!)
, 8:16 AM
, 7:30 AM
not much diff between masturbating and playing video games, he says.$BlogItemTitle$>
Brother Yat's hooking me up with a job.
damn. (hores don't think wrongly okay, incest much) :O
Hopefully they'll hire me, and Robinsons here I come/cum.
, 5:26 AM
cannibalism? no no, I just want the blood.$BlogItemTitle$>
what do I have to doto get inside of you
to get inside of yo-ooo-oh !
, 1:08 AM
no time to waste!(my posts are getting shorter and shorter these days)
, 12:09 AM
tho', it'll be awesome if I were working right now.$BlogItemTitle$>

awwww I miss him a lot. :')
Friday, December 25, 2009, 11:09 AM
I fell in love with Mother Earth once again.$BlogItemTitle$>

the different shades of blue clouds.
the construction sounds were of no effect but the sight of the skies
grasped me in awe. my oh my.
the magnificence of life and gratefulness of what I have.
the smell of the ocean as they break into the huge rocks.
though with an ego even massive, I had cookies by my side.
, 10:46 AM
but I fell into this rut by mistake.$BlogItemTitle$>
a part of me loves this, yet
another's dying inside.
, 9:36 AM
straight thru' my your heart.$BlogItemTitle$>

thanks for the great night Haziq! <3
, 6:54 AM
i wonder how Steve's doing on her first day :O
Thursday, December 24, 2009, 10:01 PM
go slow, but don't fall behind.$BlogItemTitle$>
Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
I, haven't felt like this in so many moons
You know what I mean
And we can build through this destruction
As we are standing on our feet
So, since you wanna be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
These reeling emotions they just keep me alive
They keep me in tune
Oh, look what Im holding here in my fire
This is for you
Am I too obvious to preach it
You're so hypnotic on my heart
So, since you wanna be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
The words you say to me are unlike anything
That's ever been said
oh what you do to me is unlike anything
That's ever been
Am I too obvious to preach it?
You're so hypnotic on my heart
So since you wanna be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
So since you wanna be with me
You'll have to follow through
With every word you say
And I, all I really want is you
you to stick around
I'll see you everyday
But you have to follow through
You have to follow through
You're gonna have to follow
Oh, this is the start of something good
Don't you agree?
Labels: Follow Through - Gavin DeGraw
, 9:06 PM
confusion is nothing new.$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm just so sorry that I told you I loved you.
my bad.
tough week. hope serenity comes along soon.
tho', I do like the stress sometimes. makes me feel a lot more human.
, 8:01 AM

Have you raised a wild trio. <3
Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 8:37 AM
I'm supposed to forget everything.$BlogItemTitle$>
i don't know what to get my parents for their anniversary this 25th.
oh hot damn. it's been 22 long years, but i don't know if i should
believe in love. hey, i never said i wasn't naive.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 8:57 AM
entry fee into my heart? all your truths and a chocolate bar please.$BlogItemTitle$>
Sunday, December 20, 2009, 11:47 AM
the men that fear you are the ones that you despise.$BlogItemTitle$>
, 11:21 AM
I don't need the brightest bulb, I just want one that works!$BlogItemTitle$>
(sorry I just had to post again but work was just awesome)
it ended too fast tonight, just way too fast.
course after course, we could barely take a breather.
appreciated that my partner helped me out truckloads.
come to think of it, he didn't want me to do lots of the "hard" stuff.
mthrfckr. I'm no wimp! >O
but he was really sweet, and I've gotta thank that boy soon.
and damn this week is going to be daaaaaaaaaaaaaamned.
, 10:27 AM
JON-JON <3$BlogItemTitle$>
met Jon Ho after 91238419237489580123 years.
and I was serving him. and his family.
kept asking for sprite 'cause his parents would kill him
if he had the alcohol bevs. family of hoes if you asked me.
fiiiiiiiinally managed to steal a hug from him when
his family + my manager(s) weren't looking. <33
plus, I couldn't ask for a better crew than what we had tonight.
(except Eve. damn she's just teh bomb.) <333
Saturday, December 19, 2009, 10:21 PM
i miss acting, a fuck lot.
i miss being under Muhi's and Eve's reigns as Chairpersons.
i miss being under them. (heh heh)
damn i really miss being on stage.
guys hear me out, Drama BBQ's gotta happen soon.
, 10:59 AM
shake trees till trains fall off.$BlogItemTitle$>

i miss my brother, a lot. :(
and Brother Yat's so sweet - for 45 minutes in the middle of the night after his work he waited for me after my work to get home together. <3
, 9:51 AM
Love Is A Razor And I Walked The Line Of That Silver Blade$BlogItemTitle$>
, 9:31 AM
them perks yeah?$BlogItemTitle$>
he tried saying please. he really tried.
but when it came out as "Pwease" there was no turning back.
at that very moment in the kitchen of the hotel,
some part of me died inside.
*flails jizzed*
Friday, December 18, 2009, 9:50 AM
oneuv' teh biggest hores you've ever seen.$BlogItemTitle$>

HAPPY 17th, dear Amirah(oe) Sawyer.
xoxo x forever. <3
, 9:48 AM
I could've sworn she was using a converse pair'a shooz.$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm Not Surprised
Not Everything Lasts
I've Broken My Heart So Many Times,
I Stop Keeping Track.
Talk Myself In
I Talk Myself Out
I Get All Worked Up
And Then I Let Myself Down.
I Tried So Very Hard Not To Lose It
I Came Up With A Million Excuses
I Thought I Thought Of Every Possibility
And I Know Someday That It'll All Turn Out
You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Mmmmm ....
I Might Have To Wait
I'll Never Give Up
I Guess It's Half Timing
And The Other Half's Luck
Wherever You Are
Whenever It's Right
You Come Out Of Nowhere And Into My Life
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Baby Your Love Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Possibility
Mmmmm ......
And Somehow I Know That It Will All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
They Say All's Fair
And In Love And War
But I Won't Need To Fight It
We'll Get It Right
And We'll Be United
And I Know That We Can Be So Amazing
And Being In Your Life Is Gonna Change Me
And Now I Can See Every Single Possibility
Mmmm .....
And Someday I Know It'll All Turn Out
And I'll Work To Work It Out
Promise You Kid I'll Give More Than I Get
Than I Get Than I Get Than I Get
Oh You Know It'll All Turn Out
And You'll Make Me Work So We Can Work To Work It Out
And I Promise You Kid To Give So Much More Than I Get
Yeah I Just Haven't Met You Yet
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Oh Promise You Kid
To Give So Much More Than I Get
I Said Love Love Love Love Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Love Love Love .....
I Just Haven't Met You Yet
Labels: Haven't Met You Yet - Micheal Buble
, 7:32 AM
team Chambers and Duff.$BlogItemTitle$>

I totally forgot how good full-contact fighting sports feel like.
, 6:49 AM
he's got hate in his heart, love in his mind.$BlogItemTitle$>

high tops fetish all over again.
damn girrl.
then bomber jacker how.
$$$$$$$ is in the air HAHAHAHAHAHA I wish!
, 4:31 AM
at least he's still in oneuv'ma contacts, yo.$BlogItemTitle$>
just about one year ago,
OBS. F. heartache. regret.
and here I am, already past 365 days later.
daaaaamn. oh the irony!
, 4:08 AM
so lets sit down and talk about our feelings.$BlogItemTitle$>
, 2:09 AM

oh my. *flails*
, 12:16 AM
you listen to all these stories, you don't know what to believe!$BlogItemTitle$>

paradox, sweet paradox.
Thursday, December 17, 2009, 9:44 AM

On a parcouru le chemin,
On a souffert en silence,
Et je te hais de tout mon corps,
Mais je t'adore encore.
, 6:59 AM
one set back shouldn't stop us. we're heroes.$BlogItemTitle$>
expecting big things, and I'm glad there're people who are
with me on this. huge turn around, and I like it. :D
, 12:10 AM
mistook you for someone who cared.$BlogItemTitle$>
he said it himself - a dirtbag for what's worth.
I'm sorry to say but you won't be a man until you do the same.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 10:35 AM
now I'm not kidding.$BlogItemTitle$>
, 4:39 AM
poppin' pills won't solve the problem.$BlogItemTitle$>
Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 10:07 AM
jog on.$BlogItemTitle$>

Oh a tiny kid in an empty tomb
I always find a way to pass the time with you
In dark and smoky rooms
I can hardly stand the fumes
Telling me that you mean no harm
Just stand me up like a crutch, another arm
But only when I'm gone
And I've been away too long
You don't belong to me
I think you've lied to me
With my back against this wall it's hard to be strong
You'd tell me anything
Look what you done to me, still I just tell myself
That tomorrow you'll be long gone
Long gone
Any given time or place
I never will forgive the disgrace
On your face all full of love
Will it ever be enough
Ten feet tall and bullet proof
I never thought I had a thing to lose
Well it looks like after all
I'm gonna have to choose
You don't belong to me
I think you lied to me
With my back against this wall, it's hard to be strong
You'd tell me anything
Look what you've done to me, still I just tell myself
That tomorrow you'll be long gone
You will pass the time
But I'm doing fine on my own
So there's no good reason
Why to live such a lie
Tell me if I've been gone way too long
You don't belong to me
I think you lied to me
With my back against this wall it's hard to be strong
You'd tell me anything
Look what you've done to me, still I just tell myself
That tomorrow you'll be long gone
You don't belong to me
I think you lied to me
With my back against this wall it's hard to be strong
You'd tell me anything
Look what you've done to me, and still I tell myself
That tomorrow you'll be long gone
Long gone
Labels: You Don't Belong - Daughtry
, 9:57 AM
i swear,$BlogItemTitle$>
Monday, December 14, 2009, 10:19 PM
if you wanna step up, you're gonna get knocked down.$BlogItemTitle$>
and yes, I have felt this way before. felt like a failure.
felt like I've lost to someone else.
felt a little bit inferior.
"Close, but no cigar."
to think that I actually believed a load of bull.
typical Hidayah, forever naive ey.
however, if I recall correctly, things would always work out
for me eventually, no matter how bad it starts out.
yes it's true, I do fall short.
but I never lose.
, 9:46 AM

this. is.
tougher than I thought it would be.
should I be callous,
because I really can't see the light.
, 7:24 AM
she said there was no life after you$BlogItemTitle$>
Sunday, December 13, 2009, 10:37 AM
public relations.$BlogItemTitle$>

you know what I really hate?
people blatantly handing out their empty promises.
next time, just keep your yap shut.
that and spilling drinks on others by accident. that's my bad.
Friday, December 11, 2009, 10:16 PM
would your dark nails of faith be pushed through my veins again.$BlogItemTitle$>

Thursday, December 10, 2009, 10:51 AM
new word for the day.$BlogItemTitle$>
, 2:30 AM
get killer abs, one plank at a time.$BlogItemTitle$>

I'd so love for someone to go on a movie-spree with me soon.
Just be sure you're able to spend at least 50 bucks on movie screenings.
Also, till midnight. <3
Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:55 PM
what more do you want?/(400th)$BlogItemTitle$>
it's on random.
(Ed's cheer up scene from SOTD)
I'm not gonna say 'there's plenty more fishes in the sea'.
I'm not gonna say 'if you love her, let her go'.
I'm not gonna bombard you with cliches.
But what I'm gonna say is this - It's not the end of the world.
I would love for someone to tell me this.
Well, only if I were oblivious to it of course.
, 9:25 AM
free bitch.$BlogItemTitle$>
timmy sheemy says: (1:23:33 AM)
'We need to talk'
timmy sheemy says: (1:23:37 AM )
worst four words
timmy sheemy says: (1:23:42 AM)
nothing good comes after 'we need to talk'
timmy sheemy says: (1:23:59 AM)
you dont see girls going
timmy sheemy says: (1:24:04 AM)
Tim, we need to talk
timmy sheemy says: (1:24:06 AM)
i wanna have sex
ugh I hate planning of what to wear the next day.
oh man I should be asleep now.
should be could be would be but isn't.
, 8:34 AM
bullet thru' your brain.$BlogItemTitle$>

you're livin' da vida loca.
meet you there?
TOTALLY. Already on my way!
, 7:39 AM
I got caught in this bad romance.
'cause my brother and a feline had gotten involved.
plus, he was actually...singing. for about an hour or more.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 9:11 PM
you want to whack him.$BlogItemTitle$>

love you guys like fuck. till Fri.
Monday, December 7, 2009, 8:49 AM
like, totally.
fucking shagged, I need some sleep now.
OR, I could just stay up again.
not again.
not today.
, 7:55 AM
green blob things that multiply.$BlogItemTitle$>
went for my primary school's reunion/BBQ.
daaaaaaaaaaaamn have people changed!
whilst some still remain the same.
Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:37 AM
I wouldn't really say that I don't care.$BlogItemTitle$>

Look me in the eye, tell it to my face, so have I been erased?
Are you happy now
am I.
, 8:03 AM
thanks love!$BlogItemTitle$>
timmy sheemy says: (12:00:07 AM)
Hidayah has a smile,
that I can never forget.
It's a mild warmth,
like the orange sunset.
She has pretty huge eyes,
and lips to go along.
She kissed me twice yesterday,
then I felt nothing could go wrong.
We watched case39,
the show was okay.
But it was her company,
that really made my day.
I know she's immuned,
to all this sweet talk.
So i'll keep it simple,
just like my mohawk.
so, finally someone gets me.
, 6:08 AM
still a bit stiff.$BlogItemTitle$>
yes, 7 time's a charm. hahahaha Hot Fuzz you own me.
, 4:12 AM
'cause that's all I ever wanted to know!$BlogItemTitle$>

Saturday, December 5, 2009, 10:19 AM
those tormenting thoughts will succumb you, minion!$BlogItemTitle$>
it's only a great day if you treat it like one.
and it has been for me, certainly.
Headed off with Madbug to Vivo to meet up with the TPRawkers who were going to Sentosa. With the Blues out of side, I tagged along with Purple and went to Siloso beach, after which we found the rest of the gang and mingled once again. Spent a whole afternoon there playing games in the sun/rain/sea/random photographer and they were simply amazing.
The ambiance was great as most of us had a great time bonding and just loosening up, which honestly felt like one of the most refreshing days I've had in a really long time. SOGGY BISCUIT EY?
And after a whole day of running, we chilled for a moment and got to know each other a little bit more. From having being called Tabitha to the range of ages from 18 to 23, I guess that not only the people from Blue are awesome; the Reds, Greens, Oranges and Purples definitely have the most hyped up and totally awesome Rawkers too. These people are going to have made this day plastered in my mind for quite a long time. <3
Dinner wise, grabbed a bite with the CL/PLs and Rawkers back @ Vivo and ended off the session with a little bit of th "HONEYYYY" game. Had to kiss twice during the game but my pals had their own coming, so I had total ownage still!
Departed from the rest and dated Tim through the last part of the night. Caught the 9.30pm time-slot for "Case 39" and took the last train back home. Tim is an awesome guy, no doubt - just take care of your girlfriend love!
what scared me was that I think I was having too much fun that I realized that in the end of the day, I brought a camera there with me but no pictures were being taken on it whilst we were enjoying ourselves. mmm, ah welllllllll. :)
Now I am just beat and ready for a great day's sleep.
Planning to hit the gym in the morn, let's just see how it goes.
My Saturday's expectations have been met, overshot actually. :D
Friday, December 4, 2009, 6:52 AM
more pressing matters at hand.$BlogItemTitle$>
For a hero you're quite a hypocrite!
, 5:05 AM
what's the meaning of this?$BlogItemTitle$>
next time we'll just fuck the heels and go naked.
Eve prefers that.
damn it why didn't we check out the declassified adds!
, 2:34 AM
you tell me.$BlogItemTitle$>
so it's bros over ho's now.
yes, the tables have turned.
hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah
Thursday, December 3, 2009, 10:20 AM
Give me your heart, make it real - OR ELSE FORGET ABOUT IT.$BlogItemTitle$>

"And if you said this life ain't good enough
I would give my world to lift you up
I could change my life to better suit your mood
'cause you're so smooth"
, 10:07 AM
rides again.$BlogItemTitle$>
badan berg.what did I just say.
fucking ancient - that's what Brother Yat is saying about BSB songs.
yes, I am drowning him in their songs while we're up
through the night with him on the PS3.
hey there, fear me.
we're stopping by Santana's 'Smooth' now.
today has been simply amazing.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:07 AM
You Want To Live Like A Supervillian.$BlogItemTitle$>
Never Again.
I'll slit my throat with the knife I pulled out of my spine.
Maybe when you find out that I'm dead
you'll realize what you did to me.
And if my lungs still let me breathe,
Would you be there for me?
If I can make myself believe,
I'll give you back what you took out.
No, I won't let it go.
Douse myself in gasoline!!
So Don't save me when you come into the fire.
I'd rather die than have to see your smile.
And if my lungs still let me breathe,
Would you be there for me?
If I can make myself believe,
I'll give you back what you took away.
You made me swear
You made me swear
I, I can't sleep realize all these things that you took from me.
Smash my heart (you made me swear)
into dust (you made me swear)
Suffocate my mind (you made me swear)
Tear at me from inside (you made me swear)
Smash apart what you created.
How can i ever stop you from crushing my soul?
It was It was yours, yours to begin with.
And if my lungs still let me breathe,
Will you be there for me?
If i can make myself believe,
I'll give you back what you took away
Labels: Smashed Into Pieces - Silverstein
, 10:06 AM
She's Saying Take It Or Leave It.$BlogItemTitle$>
So this is what it's like to be alive
Wide awake I open up my eyes
Tell me what this life really means
When nothing in my head is what it seems
Sooner or later
You'll be the shadow
Crawlin in my head
Take it or leave it,
You're like a sickness
I am infected
This is what it's like to be alive
Darker days have taken up my time
A little change is all I really need
Take me down a road I've never been
Sooner or later
You'll be the shadow
Crawlin in my head
Take it or leave it,
You're like a sickness
I am infected
When everything is goin wrong
Turn around an carry on
Juice the pain and say goodbye
You can leave this world tonight
You were meant to feel the sun
Burn away from everyone
When you feel so far from home
Close your eyes 'cause
Sooner or later
You'll be the shadow
Crawlin in my head
Take it or leave it,
You're like a sickness
I am infected
Take it or leave it,
You're like a sickness
I am infected
I am infected
Labels: Infected - Rides Again
, 9:58 AM
keep to your word!$BlogItemTitle$>
but if you don't want to, it's okay.
choices come with consequences, so better make your words
as sweet as possible -
you might just have to eat them one day.
To my dearest Eve:
Don't let this get into your head.
Although, the old you we might be seeing is a little scary
to others, looks awesome and perfectly fine in my eyes.
Just be a little easy on the new meat, yeah? ;)
, 8:56 AM
mthrfckr! (the boat engine makes noise, _____! )$BlogItemTitle$>
now, it only hurts when I cough.
oh, but I'm not talking about my pride this time round.
, 6:20 AM
song lyrics are misleading - indeed.$BlogItemTitle$>

and everything will fall into place. (:
Shamocracy rule #3 -
Never waste another moment worrying your life away.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 6:45 PM
and if my lungs still let me breathe, will you be there for me?$BlogItemTitle$>

I doubt so. 'cause you need prompting before you could even care.
About me.
Hahaha Hidayah why so emo.
Just, so much for our december. So much for that.
I'm glad to see you back on your feet tho!
I guess that's the only up-side to this story, right? :)
, 7:57 AM
In the Mens-Wear department, Men swear, oh hell they do.$BlogItemTitle$>
Not everything is solved yet, and no answers are being given, they're still hiding behind the questions.
Not everything is going too well, but not just everything is broken either.
I guess it's the decisions we make and the the hardships we have to take, pay off in the end.
It makes us better people ourselves, hungry for the truth.
The truth.
Some can handle it, whilst others just sit back and watch the lies
whiz past them, back and forth. I've grown. We've grown.
I have done my fair share of just looking out of the window
and not chasing what I could only dream I could chase.
We may be young and naive, but we're definitely not stupid.
Or hopeless. We're done being mislead.
Today, my brother called me strong, and not physically.
Today, I may have teared the most tears in my life and may have
the most amount of things crossing my mind all at the same time, but
today, I am happy.
, 6:46 AM

all our truths should be left untold.