I was 5.
Must've been the first time I watched two men in leotards and tights literally fighting in a squared-stage-being-roped-at-every-corner which was called a ring. It seemed crazy at first but I never went against the sight or the mentality of it all. Plus, it was my brothers who had introduced me to the whole concept of "Wrestling", so it shouldn't have been bad right? Little did I know that those two brothers of mine were the few who would have shaped up my life to the way it is now.
It was close to my 6th Birthday, and father had gotten us a new Sega game cartridge. At the time, it was like a friggin' XBOX360 when compared to this decade. I remember that it was the first game I'd ever played on the Sega console, 'Raw Is War', and the Legends were still fresh back then. Other than that, 'Sonic' was the next best video game to me. Spent most of my time playing with fire, soccer and wrestling with my brothers. Of course, we'd always get caught and scolded/beaten because we siblings didn't know where to hide the ashes from the fire and of course, broken vases from the indoor soccer. Smooth. HEH.
I did remember my first "tombstone" my eldest brother gave me while playing our daily half-an-hour match of wrestling. I teared a little, but before I could really weep he grabbed my arm and pulled me back up on my feet and said "You okay? C'mon, the pain will go away, don't worry." and then gave me only less than a five second breather before he had me in another maneuver. From that very day, I had tried my best to never let anyone see right through me if I ever were in pain again.
Ahhh. I was 7. Brothers shaved off my barbies heads. Made them into army troops. And yes, like a norm, my parents thought I did it and banned me from ever getting any barbie dolls again. The start of a deprived girly childhood.
I was in Primary 4 when I had my first crush. He was one of the artists in my class, and he was a really nice guy. (He is still a flexible friend of mine till today!) And yes, we're neighbours; he lives just a block away from me. And it's also helpful if he doesn't know anything about this. Uhh, yeah.
Primary 4? Lets skip our way to the end of the year, Hari Raya time to be exact. The first ever "Cousins Royal-Rumble" I had with a few of my relatives, namely Shameera and Irshad Angullia, whom from then on, had been kept close to my heart. Even after years of craziness and for me, really horrible dressing and style, they taught me how to love, and I really appreciate them for the crazy things that'd happened in my life. Sham, especially you, for being a huge part of my makeover/wardrobe stylist and making me look how I do today. I LOVE YOU DEAREST NIECE.
One of the most memorable times of my life, ever.
My form teacher didn't want me to go at first because I had been one of the most poorly behaved students in class, so he didn't think I was fit enough to enjoy such camps. Thankfully he gave me a chance to explain myself and told me to write a one-page reflection on myself explaining why I should go for the camp deservingly. From that day on, I KNEW THAT I WAS SMOOTH WITH MY WORDS. ;)
I thank God that I had went for the camp, otherwise I wouldn't have met one of my best friends till this very day, Amirah Syairah (a.k.a Adio) and we met over what could've been a mega accident over such a small gate! Have enjoyed her company ever since, and it only got sweeter as we became classmates in our graduating year.
And after being parted for 4 long years...we're schoolmates again. :)

Had been a pretty weird kid in primary school, and it certainly didn't change as I got into secondary school either. In Secondary 1E3, that's where I found the next best friend, Deena Shaqinah. We didn't even meet each other over activities during the orientation or class/group ice-breakers - she self-introduced herself to me the most adorable way possible. She had been sitting in front of me in the school hall, just turned around, stuck out her hand and went "Hi, I'm Deena!" If you were there, there were only two things you'd do, honestly. 1. Run away and go WTF. 2. Shake and smile.
That's when I chose the second option and made her my best friend without any doubts. Have been loving her ever since. Sure, we had our ups and downs, but it only made me realize that she couldn't be my best friend. NO WAY.
To me, she was like a sister I never had.
It was later that August in Sec 1 when I joined Greenview's Drama Club. My oh my, was that one of the best choices I had made in my life or what. I met the strangest people, seniors whom I gave my utmost respect to as they were so carefree and really great up on stage, as well as the kids in my batch.
That's when Firdaus Sukiman came into my life. Sure, we weren't too close back then, I was a really awkward kid to begin with and I didn't really care who liked me and who didn't, but I admired him even though he wasn't my classmate. He was great onstage and knew really well on how to keep the crowd entertained. Who knew that less than two years later he'd become another one under my clutches of best friendship.

S.T.E.P had been with me nearly throughout the whole of my secondary life. Trips to Thailand and having students from a school in Bangkok, Suankularb Witayalai Nonthaburi, (and NO guys I didn't have to re-check the name, I memo-ed this FTFW) stay over here in Singapore had been a great experience. And keeping the feisty friendship alive had been an amazing work too. In one of the camps in Secondary 3, Eve Kaur came bringing love into my life. We had similarities which were simply unbelievable sometimes, and differences as if we were really enemies and worlds apart. Still, she brought incredible amounts of joy to my life and simply had to be loved as one of my best friends. And although we had been in the same CCA for about 2 years so far back then, it made us realize that sometimes, we'd have to take time (in our case, years) to really know who your true friends are, and to really love someone.
It was that same year when I had just turned 15 that my eldest brother got caught up in a little episode of his that had gotten too far, and had to be separated from me and the rest of my family. At the time, I had been relieved, but now, I'm actually disheartened at what had happened, but maybe things happened for the best. We all learn through hardships, and I hope he does too.

Secondary 4 had to be one of the most stressful year yet. Schoolwork and CCAs, it had been really tough to handle. Thankfully, there were people to help me get through all that. With the best friends I already had, we made sure that we had each other's back in this crazy 'O Level' year. That's when I found out that Amirah Ali simply had to be on of my best friends no matter our age difference. We hadn't gotten along very well during the previous years, and I was surprised at how well we had connected the year after which she had graduated. I found her to be a really awesome person, and like every best friend that I have, one that I'd never let go off, ever. Not even in my wildest dreams, nay. The first one to ever have called me, a Hoe.

That had also been the time when I found...strangly, my brother. Like, a new side of him. Of us. Where we'd connect ever so closely and strongly, and I'd actually learnt to love him with respect as a younger sister to her older brother. All the time I'd always think that I'd be better off without brother(s) and that I'd achieve wonders without them always hindering me, but not after the past year. My eyes have opened, and I'm not the same naive and simple-minded kid I used to be.

Not forgetting the crazy people I found the past year, The Crew, courtesy of Kzel Koh. These people are young and are always (ALWAYS) doing something ridiculous, but they never fail to make me feel like a teenager, and human. Although Kz's been with me over the past decade, I've learnt to truly love her only now. Oh the wasted years. She hasn't let me down, and me, I don't intend to do so anytime in this lifetime. Plus, she's now my wife. Legally. Nyeheh.

After all the hype of the graduating year, I went for a couple of outings with people I met over Polytechnic open-houses and courses, which was when I met two lovely people - Aliff Oreolikki and dear Amirah Isa. He's a crazy guy who's already my son, and an adorable one to love. He knows me pretty well for an amateur, and is one I can totally connect with. Amirah? She's one of the most badass/BIMBOTIC (hehe)/amazingly friendly girl you'd ever know. SRSLY. Her personality made me realize that overtime, she's sure to be one of my best friends. Which means, tonnes of privileges horrrrrr. :)
Good news is, eldest brother's coming back home on the 2nd of June this year. I am really glad now, I feel contented especially with the news. Waiting his arrival eagerly, with my families' love and embrace ready for him with open arms. And for my parents, I've only got 2 words for them. I LOVE YOU.
That's 3, no?
'cause YOU and I are one.
Waiting for school to start in a week or so, with many things coming up. I feel excited and pumped up, ready for the world. Maybe I'm still naive, but hey, I never claimed to be perfect. This post had just been...no, not a memory. Just something I'd like to play back in my head every now and then to actually see that I appreciate all the things in life, be it little or enormous.
And to remind those whom I love deeply, that I always do.
I love it all.