Monday, January 31, 2011, 11:26 PM
The last three years was just pretend, and I say$BlogItemTitle$>
I want you,but I'm not giving in this time.
, 11:19 PM
words that I'm hearing are starting to get old.$BlogItemTitle$>
Goodbye to youGoodbye to everything that I knew
You were the one I loved
The one thing that I tried to hold on to
Sunday, January 30, 2011, 11:31 AM
; Ouch! Why does it hurt?
- It means that your back muscles are tensed, why are you so tensed?
; *scoffs* heh, I don't know. The stress from back then, maybe.
- Don't worry, from now on, your life will get better.
; Why so?
- 'cause I'm here. So you'll be happier.
, 10:42 AM
the past comes back to haunt me$BlogItemTitle$>

all the time :/
Saturday, January 29, 2011, 6:58 PM
fret (not).$BlogItemTitle$>
where's my notebook
a pen
questions for service journalism
notes and outline
my camera out to take shots
but wait it's raining
oh gosh this can't be happening today!

'Sunday morning, rain is falling' face and plaits.
yes, feel the pressure baby.
, 5:11 AM
take a chance tonight and try something new.$BlogItemTitle$>
Siglap Grasio has quite a handful of cute kids.
*pedo mode awn*
on a much heavier note, I really have to focus on photog tmr.
I MUST ace this subject, it shouldn't even be a question ):
before the sun goes down, I'm on my toes for this.
Friday, January 28, 2011, 5:46 AM
two perfect strangers.$BlogItemTitle$>
what were the odds, really.
for all of this to have happened.
though, all is appreciated, and I'm certainly thankful.
Yesterday gave me yet another reason to love Northpoint's Starbucks.
3am @ Yishun's 24hr prata shop (Y)
But yeah, I shouldn't make staying out at till unearthly hours in the morning, especially at locations farther away from Pasir Ris, a habit.
With a side note attached to that, try not to stay out too late
when the day's class starts off at 9.
Good Grrl.
PS: Grasio training tmr!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 10:24 AM
I like these pictures!$BlogItemTitle$>

okay maybe not this one tho'.
, 10:19 AM
I thought that in a matter of years, things could change.$BlogItemTitle$>
I thought that you would change.
It breaks my heart to see the things you do.
Because I love you.
So much.
, 12:59 AM
stacie's mom has got it goin' on.$BlogItemTitle$>

Cheer up, love. Hang in there :C
Tuesday, January 25, 2011, 7:33 AM
the stress got me sick ughhhhhhhh not again
Monday, January 24, 2011, 10:29 AM
dude what, slippers not allowed? oh come on!$BlogItemTitle$>
mimic octopuses are so darn cool.
Sunday, January 23, 2011, 6:58 AM
poppin' likka hood, show me how you work it out.$BlogItemTitle$>

rock paper scissors shoot!
0115 @ Somerset somemore outside Candy Empire HAHA no life
, 5:52 AM
he does his own thing, as do I.$BlogItemTitle$>

TP TKD overall champs!
+ Yat forthegold :)
Friday, January 21, 2011, 7:56 PM

Thursday, January 20, 2011, 10:55 AM
YOU KNOW WHAT$BlogItemTitle$>
Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 8:03 PM
i hope you understand$BlogItemTitle$>
truth is, I love the number 2,
but I can never stand for #2.
, 12:23 AM
don't tease me.$BlogItemTitle$>
wha-ever, really.
I wish to care less right now,
'cause you are the least of my problems at the moment.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011, 7:01 AM
take back your picture in a frame, take back your singing in the rain.$BlogItemTitle$>

I keep repeating mistakes, when I'm suppose to learn from them.
It's about time for a change.
Sunday, January 16, 2011, 8:00 PM
Oh, this dashboard's so hard, can't cushion the beats of my heart.$BlogItemTitle$>

so delicious, never vicious.
, 7:15 PM

I love waking up to Malum's videos. :)
, 9:15 AM
prolly on the 18th ;)$BlogItemTitle$>
Oh language is dead, so she believes
I'm looking up, socially bereaved,
Just like Carlisle, she lies on the border
Disorder surrounds, her every noun
One Night In October
The clocks go back
And she attacks me oh
Grabbing my left shoulder
Suspects in texts that leave her wrecked
Oh oh One night in October
I sit her down and say this must stop,
Cause all we do is argue then shop,
She goes to Boots, I go to Argos
Complete with deceit
We stalk each aisle
One night in October,
She throws a towel, the sink, a scowl
Oh oh One night in October,
With more invective than the average detective
Questions me on the lawn
With doors ajar, tonight I will sleep in my car,
One night in October
Oh ooooh oooh
Oh intensive care, intensively she's aware
That I, I miss the heat, solace and sway of the sheets
Oh, this dashboard's so hard
Can't cushion the beats of my heart
One night in October!
Oh oh one night in October
The clocks go back,
And she attacks me oh
Grabbing my left shoulder
With more invective
Than the average detective
Questions me on the lawn
With doors ajar
Tonight I might sleep in the car
One night in October
Heeey heeeey!
Labels: One Night In October - Little Comets
Saturday, January 15, 2011, 8:33 PM
silent drills are really sexy.$BlogItemTitle$>

so tell me. why are we hurting ourselves?
, 6:21 PM
I saw you again, I think you used me again,$BlogItemTitle$>

should we try this before we give up and move on.
, 5:56 PM
although she's only going to go through PMS for a few days, what you're gonna say to her during that period she'll remember for a long time.
Friday, January 14, 2011, 6:04 PM
I don't need champagne in my glass to prove that I've got class.$BlogItemTitle$>

honestly, I just feel really horrible.
quit playing games with my heart.
Thursday, January 13, 2011, 6:59 PM
you're dropping out my battery is low$BlogItemTitle$>
the look in your eyes makes me crazy
Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 7:27 PM
gotta go!$BlogItemTitle$>
I will be late don't stay upand wait for me.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 4:55 AM
i know it's hurting you, but it's killing me.$BlogItemTitle$>

I wish I could be the onethe one who won't care at all.
Two vibrant hearts could change.
Sunday, January 9, 2011, 8:13 AM
oh believe me, I have not fallen.$BlogItemTitle$>
4mal 2morrow.
where has my fitness gone to
I get famished so easily nowadays ):
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 8:21 AM
another night with him but I'm always wanting you.$BlogItemTitle$>

So close to midnight
Under the streetlights
Leaving behind what I don`t need
I`ve walked like a blind man
And my eyes are open
And you are the only place for me
Won't you hold on just for a while
Please don`t give up on me tonight
Coz I`m on my way
I chased the day
Yeah I`ll keep running all night
I just wont rest to catch my breath
I will run every red light
To get to you
No I will, get to you
No I will, get to you
I`ll chase past the tail lights
Head for the skyline
Hoping that, that wont change your faith
I see them appearing
The cracks in the pavement
Running I pray I`m not too late
Wont you hold on just for a while
Please don`t give up on me tonight
Labels: Get To You - James Morrison
Friday, January 7, 2011, 11:27 AM
jigglypuff bte currypuff?$BlogItemTitle$>
it doesn't matter anymore.
'cause now, I'm used to you not being there,
used to missing your face.
it was just like before, only now, we don't share anything
anymore. the feelings are gone baby boy, all gone.
there's nobody left, fact is.
yet it feels so good. :)
, 11:19 AM
hi there.$BlogItemTitle$>

hewwwwl no I don't!
, 9:17 AM
so kiut!$BlogItemTitle$>
It's not enough to hear me say you've won
You only wanted me for having fun
But now I think you've gone and had your way
And left me with a pile of bills to pay
I can't even rewind the tape machine
To listen to your drunken reasoning
So here it is - your final lullaby
So goodnight, goodnight
You're embarrassing me
You're embarrassing you
So goodnight, goodnight
Walk away from the door
Walk away from my life
So Goodnight
I've given up on social niceties
I threw 'em out when I threw out your keys
Along with all your records I can't stand
You never even listen to any one of them
You're never gonna drag me out again
With all the people that were never ever even your friends
So here it is - your final lullaby
A little bit of rain I'd say is fair
But when it starts to thunder they all stare
This isn't goodnight, this is goodbye.
Labels: Goodnight Goodnight - Hot Hot Heat
Sunday, January 2, 2011, 9:51 AM
me and my red tp shirt, ikr.$BlogItemTitle$>

you, are, simply gorgeous.
Saturday, January 1, 2011, 8:27 PM
the hardest part of ending is starting again.$BlogItemTitle$>
I'm not sure what hurts more;
my feet, my tummy from this crazy diet, or my heart.
, 11:05 AM
it's out of my control.$BlogItemTitle$>

I've learnt from my old ways and never again
shall I trust someone like you.