Tuesday, May 31, 2011, 8:03 PM
don't go.$BlogItemTitle$>
Sunday, May 29, 2011, 3:02 AM
with fishes as huge as a cat!$BlogItemTitle$>
Yes, there is more to life than just spending 12 hours in school, half the time in ITAS and the other half smoking outside the canteen. Heeh.
Dad's ranndom mandrin and japanese conversations w other patients are extremely intriguing and super fun to watch.
Friday, May 27, 2011, 6:24 PM

in our own ways, the whole family's like that.
, 11:28 AM
step big.$BlogItemTitle$>
Red with furyyyyy hahahahahaha.
bbbut no matter,
I'm all for the team, but don't act as if you are if you're really not.
Unless you show dedication and behave like an actual team player,
like cappy' said, you'll always be just a cheerleader,
where you aren't deemed to have much significance. To me, at least.
'cause I don't want to bother myself with such fuss and nuisance
when there are much bigger things to worry about.
Just hoping that you'll take your bad influence somewhere else and awayfrom our younger batches, as I believe that they won't find the need to turn out
like you.
Cross me in front of my face when I ask you another question next time, there's no need to complain about the way I lead to someone else.
Since we are batch mates, you do have the right to question, don't you. Don't be intimidated, I'm all ears, always. No matter how scary I look.
Monday, May 23, 2011, 8:55 AM
oooooooh child!$BlogItemTitle$>
21? "This prolly wld be like an apology to u. But H... no. I admit, i did like u n all. told u lotsa stuff.. made lotsa promises. but i didnt think id meet someone else along the way. thatd work out for me. The last thing id ask for is for u to accept my new life. But it aint abt that, things just changed abrubtly.I didnt want it to go this way. We could still be best of friends."
Just take care of her, and I hope she isn't any one of your rebounds this time round. Oh, and all the best with your relationship too. Our friendship? Nah. I guess it's going the same place your promises went. Pretty much nowhere.
Still, I never thanked you for all this anyway. Luckily I've learnt from my mistakes now before I actually meet someone I'd regret wasting my friendship on, nay?
Friday, May 20, 2011, 8:14 PM
it gets better$BlogItemTitle$>

can only pray that you'll get better love
, 10:01 AM
world behind your wall$BlogItemTitle$>
Wednesday, May 18, 2011, 9:50 AM
you get back what you give away, so don't hold back on yesterday$BlogItemTitle$>

one of them just don't seem to fit.
can you tell?
Monday, May 16, 2011, 4:11 AM
new training buddy once I'm fit to train again
brings back painful memories of us training for nationals
anyone who wants to get their SinCam storyboards done,
beep me please, thanks!
Saturday, May 14, 2011, 2:23 PM
till we meet again Muhi, hope for your speedy recovery :')$BlogItemTitle$>
we thought that FB could stand for:
furry baboon
forty bats
furry babats
funny banana
feisty beast
fag bar
fifty beans
forgotten brothers
flying bikes
fresh bagels
for britain
fruity boots
friendly bakers
frowning boy
fiend bottom
flaming boots
fake breasts
flamboyant bras
first beating
factual bunny
forcing bob
fat bags
forceful bang
free bus
fine booty
feeling boobs
fleeing brands
yeah. well, beats playing digimon (to me). the kid loves it tho'.
, 6:26 AM
sidenote: Man Utd, 19th Time!$BlogItemTitle$>

Dowwwn, girl.
Relax, it'll be over soon enough.
Before you know it, you'll be training your guntingans and jatuhans with Yat as soon as he makes up his mind about joining TPSilat.
Till then, I guess I do need to find another less-physical sport.
Friday, May 13, 2011, 3:03 PM
formulate this$BlogItemTitle$>

skipping detentions was a part-time CCA then
, 2:32 PM
STEAL THIS!$BlogItemTitle$>

spent the morning of Friday the 13th w Yat watching Child's Play,
ahh, good ol' times.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 4:10 AM
self-loathing for the time being$BlogItemTitle$>

how stupid of me,
it's only been half a year and I've put myself
out of action again.
I am just...so mad at myself. @&#^$@(&%^#@$
oh hello left arm,
hope to see you again some time soon!
Saturday, May 7, 2011, 5:12 AM
i see my vision blur, i feel my memories fade with time, but i'm too young to worry.$BlogItemTitle$>

oh helllllooooo gorgeous.
, 4:50 AM
silence, you lost me, no chance for one more day$BlogItemTitle$>
when someone doesn't care about you, you know you the least you could do to return the favour is to not care, too.
Who in the world is Timonthy anyway.
Friday, May 6, 2011, 11:20 AM
next time, we eat 300 men.$BlogItemTitle$>
, 2:40 AM
so far gone.$BlogItemTitle$>
So I'll just say what you won't say
and I'll take the blame if it is for your sake
No turning back on what you can't save
Thursday, May 5, 2011, 10:50 PM
go on and keep assuming if you want to
I respect your judgement and who am I to tell you different
nothing I say matters anyway
nothing I feel will be of your concern
and I'm not good enough to make you happy, right?
maybe I don't even matter so, for now, who gives a crud.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 10:16 AM
(First Thousandth Entry)Where the distance is only physical.

Chances taken,
so don't ever say that your heart will be broken again,
'cause safe it'll be, with me. (:
Monday, May 2, 2011, 7:19 AM
, 2:46 AM
impromptu bra shopping - awkward and violated but very much supported