Monday, October 31, 2011, 9:33 AM
it's unhealthy,

still wished you knew everything I had to say
and how I felt, 'cause for the first time they were all true
but maybe I put it all on the table with my guard down
to get ripped apart
and I'll understand if we're just not meant to be
or meant to be like this.

life goes on, either way
some things I take lightly, some to heart
sadly I've grown ignorant to some things as well
just for the sake of safeguarding my heart
but not everyone's the same, that I know
and I'm learning
to care
to cry
to lose
to win
to follow
to lead
to live
to love
to keep holding on and move on.


Saturday, October 29, 2011, 12:45 PM
wished I brought my tripod tho'


, 4:37 AM
with no apologies, don't stay

Aces High, I dwell in my memories for so long that they've come to haunt me

Friday, October 28, 2011, 11:43 AM
far away from here

I remembered the first thing I wanted to set my eyes upon was the deep blue sky, extremely tough to be able to see in SG. So cold, perspiring was a privilege.

Thursday, October 27, 2011, 10:17 AM

History that dates back centuries, magnificent monuments, beautiful views, breathtaking sceneries and the most amazing array of bread (yes I am talking about the dough, don't judge), having a gist of Finland, Germany and France in just a mere 10 days have been wonderful. Can't forget the mornings we were late getting into the bus, gobbling breakfast that we sneaked out of the hotel restaurants and freezing our Singaporean arses in the cold weather, also the nights spent hanging out in random chosen hotel rooms (Murderer, Bluff, Babi2, CIRCLE OF DEATH) all lasted through only a single pack of cards, instant maggi suppers, and of course just enjoying each others company (also paitao-ing in the last-night-in-Paris-thon-session) but we all had a good time.

Temperature down to 0˚C, LTT, Airbus, Concorde, internet deprived, free adult movies after 12mn (HAHA), BMW, Porche, "The Wifi Restaurant", extremely long and restless bus rides, Heidelberg Castle", freezing at the 2nd tier of the Eiffel Tower, losing my Jack @ Cologne, 1am train ride from Stuttgart to Paris, peeing in random hotels, lost chocolates, playing pool at Magic Circus Hotel that costs 4Euros, waiting for Khalid for over 20 minutes, pickpockets, Disneyland, last minute shopping, EURO TRAINING, watching school of rock (abeh member tido), THE MOULIN ROUGE, awesome jumpshots, getting lost in The Louvre, 15 flight hours, strangers to friends.
If I could redo those 10 days, I would. :)

, 9:56 AM
amidst all the rocking in hotel rooms

blog's getting too wordy
no no no
time to look at something refreshing
where is it
where is it now

oh yes, here we are @ Heidelberg
and belum tanam eh, just haven't had the time to upload em allz

, 9:31 AM

Took me so long to finally find some time to sit down and
read the stop press.
Yes, every page of it, excluding the Mandarin parts of course.
Suddenly, seeing all that my coursemates have done in the past time
of our 3-year course have made me realize how deep they have ventured
into the media industry, and how far I'm left behind.
Thing is...I don't know if I should even step up at all, not saying that
the media doesn't interest me (if not I wouldn't be in this course at all)
but that I don't know if this is the field that I'd like the pursue in the future.
I'm not complaining, yet I know I shouldn't be this calm about it all.
My forte? Awhile ago I thought I knew, but I really have no clue.

I'm guessing being 18 isn't what it's cut out to be, it has it's
fair share of responsibilities too.

Saturday, October 22, 2011, 11:54 PM

something went terribly wrong somewhere
'cause now it looks like I've got the worst timetable for school EVER
and French is not the subject I wanted to take

okay calm down
let's see what I can do

Friday, October 21, 2011, 12:11 PM
don't know if you'll be reading this, but there's only one you. no substitutes, never will be.

Knowing you was great
then you made me fall in love with you
and every passing day makes me fonder of you
now you're the first thing on my mind, always
and I want to make you smile and laugh and be the one 
to take care of you
keeping you happy and content and making sure that I'll always be there

but life gets in the way and I tend to screw things up
I don't talk to you
I ignore you when I'm upset
I constantly have other commitments
I leave you for 10 days
I have feelings
I don't have enough time to spend with you

in other words, I'm not good enough for you.
It's hard to leave someone whom you grew fond of,
but harder to live with someone who you think deserves better.

'cause those 30 days are never going to happen.
Or it'll carry on forever.
But I never want it to happen
not now, not for a day, not for ever
so only time will tell when you're gonna do what you have to.
With us.

, 12:10 PM

if you didn't want me back, you're not the only one

Monday, October 10, 2011, 11:56 PM
Helsinki to Hamburg to Stuttgart to Cologne to Heidelberg to Paris and back!'s the day! 

Saturday, October 8, 2011, 11:11 PM
you're supposed to be the only one who knows that

September's ended awhile ago and truly, my mind's now awake.
But why am i talking to a freaking cleverbot

, 7:23 AM
don't bring me down.

It's sad to see the holidays coming to an end as the days pass by, knowing that there's much to accomplish and even more that's expected.

Lately, many things worry the pants out of me.
Although, not like it hasn't before.
The future, my parents, education, life
and everything in between.
I guess there's no time for silly things 'cause we only live once,
and I guess it's up to me to make a stand
to make sure that I, don't mess my life up.

So I've been thinking...

Thursday, October 6, 2011, 9:01 AM
chocolate sundaes on a cold Thursday night

took a dive, but I
can't let your words hurt me anymore

Saturday, October 1, 2011, 11:19 AM
trip snip flip

9 days till we're off to Germany baby!
No beer no Oktoberfest no clubbing NNNO
Turning 18 in Paris!
Cant wait to see the sights ahhhhhhhhhhh
oh gosh i miss everyone already :(


Answer my Prayers, Please
I want to go to Heaven. NO KIDDING.
Prioritize time well to fit in everyone I love.
Meet HHH In Person.
Other Wishes are Minor.

Quote, Un-quote.
I'm a pessimist but I know how to make it work for me.

Paul Levesque. Jason Chambers. Bill Duff. Overcoats. Team Raleigh/Team Tenzing. Drama. Jamie Oliver. Cheese. Jillian Michaels. Campfires. Manchester United. Ubin. Bret Hart. TPSilat. Randy Orton. Police Force. TEAM KETSU. Nigella Lawson. High-Cuts(Lengthy). TPTKD. Sour. Crisp Black Collars. Converse. TKD. Wrestling. Skirts Jeans. Laughing. Outward Bound S'pore. Spotlights. Blue-Hoodies/TPRawkers. Youtube. Heels. Cats. MJ.DuaBelas. TV. (:

The Story Of Us All.
LOVES - Socialising, Attention, Meaningful homework, Camping, Expressions, ACTING, Creating havoc, Love, Music, Wilderness and Nature, Reading, Photography, Volunteer work, Learning, Nat Geo, Star World, Nick Toons, Super Sports, Fixing things, then breaking them, 'Happening', Cooking, MEN, Staying up through the night, Challenges and competition, Surprises, Getting Down & Dirty, Adventures.

Please do not remove the credits, thx! =D.