History that dates back centuries, magnificent monuments, beautiful views, breathtaking sceneries and the most amazing array of bread (yes I am talking about the dough, don't judge), having a gist of Finland, Germany and France in just a mere 10 days have been wonderful. Can't forget the mornings we were late getting into the bus, gobbling breakfast that we sneaked out of the hotel restaurants and freezing our Singaporean arses in the cold weather, also the nights spent hanging out in random chosen hotel rooms (Murderer, Bluff, Babi2, CIRCLE OF DEATH) all lasted through only a single pack of cards, instant maggi suppers, and of course just enjoying each others company (also paitao-ing in the last-night-in-Paris-thon-session) but we all had a good time.
Temperature down to 0˚C, LTT, Airbus, Concorde, internet deprived, free adult movies after 12mn (HAHA), BMW, Porche, "The Wifi Restaurant", extremely long and restless bus rides, Heidelberg Castle", freezing at the 2nd tier of the Eiffel Tower, losing my Jack @ Cologne, 1am train ride from Stuttgart to Paris, peeing in random hotels, lost chocolates, playing pool at Magic Circus Hotel that costs 4Euros, waiting for Khalid for over 20 minutes, pickpockets, Disneyland, last minute shopping, EURO TRAINING, watching school of rock (abeh member tido), THE MOULIN ROUGE, awesome jumpshots, getting lost in The Louvre, 15 flight hours, strangers to friends.
If I could redo those 10 days, I would. :)