Monday, June 30, 2014, 9:55 AM
your version of love

Noone can really see them except for yourself, and Him of course. Other than that, noone will truly know what you've changed, or how much you've changed about yourself (not physically of course)
And no matter how much they say they do know, that they do see it, that they're aware...they never really will remember. So it's up to you, to give yourself that constant reminder. That the change isn't for them, for those people. It's all on you, for yourself and the one above. Noone will fully understand what you're going through, so have enough understanding and patience to let them believe what they do. After all, they'll never really understand what's in your mind, feel what you feel, at least not at that very point of time. Just be patient. Very patient.

I'll give you all the time you need
Because you need someone to understand you
And trust me, I understand where you're coming from
But just because I understand, doesn't mean I totally agree with it
But I'm not one to make you go against your own beliefs, whilst I'm on my own journey to a better me
So do what you must, but please, stop the contradictions
And through it all, don't regret.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014, 12:32 AM
Wait up

To complete the task, and move on to the next. Just...not to let it consume me.


Answer my Prayers, Please
I want to go to Heaven. NO KIDDING.
Prioritize time well to fit in everyone I love.
Meet HHH In Person.
Other Wishes are Minor.

Quote, Un-quote.
I'm a pessimist but I know how to make it work for me.

Paul Levesque. Jason Chambers. Bill Duff. Overcoats. Team Raleigh/Team Tenzing. Drama. Jamie Oliver. Cheese. Jillian Michaels. Campfires. Manchester United. Ubin. Bret Hart. TPSilat. Randy Orton. Police Force. TEAM KETSU. Nigella Lawson. High-Cuts(Lengthy). TPTKD. Sour. Crisp Black Collars. Converse. TKD. Wrestling. Skirts Jeans. Laughing. Outward Bound S'pore. Spotlights. Blue-Hoodies/TPRawkers. Youtube. Heels. Cats. MJ.DuaBelas. TV. (:

The Story Of Us All.
LOVES - Socialising, Attention, Meaningful homework, Camping, Expressions, ACTING, Creating havoc, Love, Music, Wilderness and Nature, Reading, Photography, Volunteer work, Learning, Nat Geo, Star World, Nick Toons, Super Sports, Fixing things, then breaking them, 'Happening', Cooking, MEN, Staying up through the night, Challenges and competition, Surprises, Getting Down & Dirty, Adventures.

Please do not remove the credits, thx! =D.